Lewiston Water Quality: Comprehensive Guide to Safe Drinking Water

Lewiston's Water Source and Treatment Process

Lewiston provides high-quality drinking water to the community through a combination of the Clearwater River and seven strategically located wells. Approximately 90% of Lewiston’s water production is sourced from the Clearwater River and Well #4. However, during the recent construction of a new water treatment plant, the city has relied on its wells for about 75% of its water production.

Here's a breakdown of Lewiston's seven wells and their specific uses:

Well #1A

Supplies water for domestic use in the low system distribution area, which includes eight booster stations and seven completed water reservoirs.

Well #2

Dedicated to irrigation in North Lewiston.

Well #3

Provides irrigation for Normal Hill Cemetery.

Well #4

A water plant blends and treats its water with river water for water production efficiency.

Well #5

Supplies water to the Echo Hills area.

Wells #6 and #7

These wells contribute to water treatment plants serving the South High and South West areas, where the water is blended to maintain consistent quality.

Understanding Lewiston
Water Quality

According to the 2023 Water Quality Report for the Lewiston Water System, all contaminants detected in the wells are within legally acceptable safe levels. This means that the water meets the standards set by regulatory bodies to ensure it is safe for consumption.

However, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has raised concerns that these legal limits for drinking water have not been updated in over twenty years, potentially leaving room for improvement in protecting public health.

The EWG’s analysis indicates that eight contaminants in Lewiston’s water supply exceed their stricter health guidelines based on more recent research and a more cautious approach to public health.

Contaminants Contaminant Level Legal Limit (MCL) EWG Standards
Arsenic 0.0983 ppb 10 ppb 0.004 ppb
Bromodichloromethane 3.46 ppb No legal limit 0.06 ppb
Chloroform 25.6 ppb No legal limit 0.4 ppb
Dichloroacetic acid 14.7 ppb No legal limit 0.2 ppb
Haloacetic acids (HAA5) 23.3 ppb 60 ppb 0.1 ppb
Haloacetic acids 19.1 ppb No legal limit 0.06 ppb
Total trihalomethanes 30.1 ppb 80 ppb 0.15 ppb
Trichloroacetic acid 10.2 ppb No legal limit 0.1 ppb

Community Efforts and Resources

The city of Lewiston is committed to providing safe and reliable tap water through its 2019 Water Master Plan. This comprehensive plan outlines crucial improvements to the water system, ensuring compliance with the latest federal and state regulations.

Lewiston actively encourages public awareness and community involvement in its water quality initiatives. Residents are invited to participate in the city’s decision-making process by attending regular City Council meetings, held every 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:00 PM in the Lewiston City Library Upstairs Meeting Room, 411 D Street. For more details on meeting schedules and involvement opportunities, visit www.cityoflewiston.org.

As of 2023, Lewiston has made significant strides in enhancing water safety and infrastructure, including:

  • Annual Leak Detection Survey
    Conducted by a specialized company to identify and repair leaks, ensuring the integrity of the water system.
  • High Reservoir Emergency Repair
    Addressing urgent repair needs to maintain water storage and safety.
  • Completion of Lewiston’s New Water Treatment Plant
    This state-of-the-art facility now delivers 10 million gallons of treated water daily, significantly improving water quality.n water storage and safety.
  • Water Main Replacement in Normal Hill
    Upgrading outdated infrastructure to ensure consistent and safe water delivery.
  • Increased Storage and Pumping Capacity
    A completed reservoir and booster station in the Southeastern areas enhance the city’s ability to meet water demand and maintain quality.
  • Design of Upstream Surface Water Intake
    Currently in progress, this project will further secure the city’s water supply.

Ensuring Safe Drinking Water in Lewiston

Rome wasn’t built in a day. While the city of Lewiston and its community work diligently to ensure tap water quality, you can take immediate steps to ensure safe drinking water in your home. By using effective filtration systems, you can significantly reduce the contaminant levels detected in Lewiston’s water. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), reverse osmosis filtration systems are among the most effective options for achieving this goal.

Contaminants Above EWG Health Guidelines Granular Activated Carbon Reverse Osmosis Ion Exchange Resins
Arsenic Yes Yes
Bromodichloromethane Yes Yes
Chloroform Yes Yes
Dichloroacetic acid Yes Yes
Haloacetic acids (HAA5) Yes Yes
Haloacetic acids Yes Yes
Total trihalomethanes Yes Yes
Trichloroacetic acid Yes Yes

Maintaining Water Quality at Home

While government drinking water safety levels may need updating, you can take proactive steps to ensure the safety of your water at home. With free water quality testing, you can see the contaminant levels in your drinking water and compare them to the EWG guidelines above. Schedule one for your home today.

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